WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross he has no issues with No Mercy starting off with the World Championship match as he believes it would have lost viewers by going going head-to-head against the U.S. Presidential Debate. If the World Title match were in it’s usual main event slot, Ross feels many screens would have switched to the debate by then In his latest blog entry, J.R. says the storyline between AJ Styles, John Cena, and Dean Ambrose was “better ‘booked” than most” angles in wrestling, and thinks WWE protected the value of the Title belt.
“Not sure that AJ needed to use the chair, but so be it,” Ross wrote of Styles’ World Title defense at No Mercy. “Considering that AJ is being positioned as a villain, I understand the use of the chair but IMO the ticket buyers want to cheer Styles and will continue to do so most likely. The triple threat match had some stellar moments and the conclusion of the match was creative as the most popular guy in the match, according to the live audience reaction, cheated to win. Loved the work ethic of all three men in this opening salvo.”
J.R. says Dolph Ziggler defeating The Miz for the Intercontinental Championship was the match of the night, and could have headlined the show.
“Who knew that the IC title match would be the career best for both men?,” Ross wrote. “Hindsight is 20/20 but congrats to Dolph and Mike for busting their ass, telling a good story and for selling! The IC Title match was the Show Stealer!!”
You can read Ross’ entire blog entry here.