Home News Jim Ross Talks About Jerry Lawler’s Return & Calling Triple H vs. Taker At WM28

Jim Ross Talks About Jerry Lawler’s Return & Calling Triple H vs. Taker At WM28


The Miami Herald has published the latest part of its recent interview with WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross. Here are some highlights of what Ross said about:

Jerry Lawler’s WWE Return: ““Jerry’s cardiologist and our doctors are not going to allow Jerry to come to work and start traveling again until they’re 100 percent sure he’s ready to roll,” Ross said, “because travel does take a lot out of you .. I speak to him, and when we don’t talk, we text about everyday or two,” Ross said. “He is doing great. He’s feeling great. He’s the luckiest man in the world, quite frankly. I don’t know where else he could have been, unless he was actually sitting in a doctor’s office, when that heart attack occurred, that he would be alive today.

Calling The Undertaker vs. Triple H WM28 Match: “That was a big honor for me — one of those bucket list type matches — especially when I hadn’t been that busy up to that point. I always enjoy going to WrestleMania, and that was a big added bonus for me.”

“Vince McMahon was the reason I called the Hell in a Cell match [at WrestleMania 28], and for that I’ll always be indebted because, to me, I don’t think we’ll ever see. Now I may be wrong, but it’s my personal opinion; I don’t think we’ll ever see Undertaker, Triple H, Shawn Michaels in a ring in their gear ever again together. So for me to be able to do a little bit of commentary on that match for that reason was extremely gratifying.”