When Bret Hart re-signed with WWE in 1996, it seemed as though he would spend the rest of his career with the company. Vince McMahon would famously ask to be let out of the deal the following year, however. What this ultimately led to was the infamous Montreal Screwjob and Bret’s departure to WCW.
Jim Ross recently spent some time on his “Grillin Jr” podcast talking about Bret Hart’s career in 1996. During the discussion, he spoke about the 20-year deal Bret signed with Vince in 1996.
“It was a very creative offer,” JR said. “Nothing like that offer had ever been made prior to and I’m not so sure anything has been made since of that nature. You don’t offer a pro-wrestler a 20-year contract, it’s not feasible.”
“As far as Bret getting a deal, getting that deal, first of all, not very many people knew what the deal was, only a few of us. But I had no issues with it because if Vince believed that was financially going to be feasible to do, then he would know that better anybody else.”
“Those in the inner circle there at that time were happy that we were keeping Bret. You don’t want to lose Bret. I don’t think the Patriots wanted to lose Tom Brady.”
JR then addressed if he thought Vince McMahon felt pressure to re-sign Bret.
“Yeah, of course. He would not have broken the mold and created a new financial package and presentation,” JR said. “If WCW wasn’t in the picture and offering massive money it wouldn’t have motivated Vince to try to get in that game. So yeah, I’m sure he was uncomfortable with that situation.”
JR’s comments can be heard in the player below: