Jim Ross Praises The Miz For His Talking Smack Promo

bryan miz

WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross’ latest blog focuses on The Miz’s promo on Daniel Bryan from this week’s Talking Smack. Many have called the promo one of the best of The Miz’s career and JR echoes that sentiment. In an era where such a large majority of promos are over-scripted, The Miz knocked it out of the park by expressing himself from the heart instead of delivering a memorized monologue.

“Few wrestlers in today’s marketplace are truly accomplished in being able to have a quick turnaround upon once receiving their promo copy, memorizing it, and then being able to deliver the copy in a real, authentic manner when it counts and that’s on live, TV,” he said.

“All promotions should consider putting more confidence in their own talents to let them create a large portion of their own promos but with the help of a producer who also realizes that less is truly more when it comes to the heavily scripting of promos and inadvertently producing the personality out of these verbal adventures.”

He commended The Miz for kicking some “verbal ass” and hopes there’s more to come from the reigning Intercontinental champion. He also made the distinction that it wasn’t The Miz yelling that made his promo so good. It’s always about authenticity and passion – and the Miz delivered both in spades.

“Final note on cutting promos is to do all that you can to be yourself and not ‘work’ the audience as it relates to one’s delivery and sincerity,” he said.

Head over to JRsBarBQ.com to read the full blog and don’t forget to check out The Ross Report podcast at Podcastone.com.


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