Jim Ross says he is “very disappointed” at the news of Roman Reigns’ 30-day suspension for violating the wellness policy. J.R. spoke about Reigns’ suspension in a new blog entry on JRsBarBQ.com.
“Hopefully, Reigns took something that he was unaware was a violation,” Ross wrote. “There are lots of supplements on the market that I’m told often times don’t jive with the wellness policy and its up to every talent who may use these supplements to make sure that they are good to ingest. A failure to do is is totally irresponsible. Hopefully this is a one off situation that will never occur again for this talent that WWE is relying on to be a prime time player for years to come.”
Ross also talked about Paige being detained by police in Las Vegas last weekend, saying the rumors are “uncomfortable.” J.R. says these events rarely go unnoticed and he feels WWE will thoroughly evaluate the matter.
You can read his full blog entry here.
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