Jim Ross recently took part in an Ask Me Anything Q&A on Reddit. The WWE Hall of Famer tackled several fan questions and declared “I’m never going to retire.” Here are some highlights from his answers:
On Roman Reigns being booed by the fans:
“IMO Reigns is being booed because he’s been shoved down fan’s throats and they have spit him back. He’s a natural heel at this point in time. Bottom line is that Reigns is miscast.”
On WWE not bringing him back & his relationship with Vince McMahon:
“WWE has spoken and they do not want me on their broadcasts. End of story. No worries here. I’m on PPV Sunday in Phoenix for URshow.tv and I hope that you will give us a shot. It will be a helluva, unpredictable show. […] My relationship with Vince is positive and healthy. We communicate somewhat regularly. I had 21 great years with VKM and am grateful for my run.”
His reaction to seeing Mick Foley fall off the Hell In A Cell up close:
“I thought that he had broken his back or worse including being maimed”
On his heel turn during the WWF Attitude era:
“Creative thought it was the right move to make turning me heel, but they were wrong. fans did not buy it, and I did not execute it well.”
You can read all of J.R.’s answers to fan questions here.
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