Home News Jimmy Uso Talks About Being Off Of Total Divas, Tag-Team Wrestling In WWE

Jimmy Uso Talks About Being Off Of Total Divas, Tag-Team Wrestling In WWE


The following are highlights of a new Norfolk Navy Flagship interview with one-half of the WWE Tag-Team Champions and former Total Divas cast member Jimmy Uso:

JM: With the recent news that neither you nor Trinity will be involved in the next season of the Total Divas series, is there some relief knowing that you will not have cameras on you at all times?

Uso: The work is a lot less now. I almost get to have my privacy back. We come off of these tours and you want to get home and relax, but you’re still working because you’re front of these cameras. They’re in your home and you really just want to sleep all day. I’m OK with it, but my wife really isn’t. We didn’t agree with the terms, but things happen and they work out how they do. We’re enjoying the free time that we have now.

JM: Totals Divas has exposed you to a different demographic of viewers that may not have normally watched WWE programming. Have you noticed this while out in the public?

Uso: Definitely. I get recognized more from Total Divas than I do for WWE. With my wife, you get people that look at her and want a picture, but they’re not really sure if it’s her or not, but when we’re together, they automatically know. I get a lot of older women, actually, that come up to me. They’re like “Hey! You’re Jonathan from Total Divas!” out of nowhere. You’ll know that it’s a Total Divas fan because a WWE fan would have said “Uso!”. It was weird at first being called by my first name and my wife by her first name. It’s cool, and funny in a way.

JM: What are your thoughts on the current state of the WWE tag team division and where you see it in the future as newcomers advance from NXT?

Uso: I feel like my brother and I amped it up because we are a real tag team. There aren’t any real tag teams like back in the day with the Legion of Doom, Hart Foundation, Demolition. Today, we’re trying to get that tag team wrestling back to WWE. I think we’re doing a good job, but it could get better. There are teams coming up from NXT, like The Ascension, coming in with each other and hopefully they will stay with each other. Maybe we can get a nice little run out of these guys with The Usos, or maybe the Wyatts can get back together again, or The Shield. I feel like we had great matches with The Wyatts; great chemistry with those guys, but they broke them up. I hope when more tag teams come in the future that they stay together and we can have a real tag team division like back in the day.

Check out the complete interview at NorfolkNavyFlagship.com.

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