Home News Joey Styles Vents On Twitter About The Never Ending NXT Season

Joey Styles Vents On Twitter About The Never Ending NXT Season


Joey Styles wrote the following on Twitter on Tuesday night regarding this season of NXT:

“Tyson Kidd lost to Trent Barreta tonight on NXT when he was distracted by a Japanese symbol on the Tron. Being that this is week 25 of would should have been a 13 week season, the Japanese symbol probably meant “apathy”. #howmuchmoreheatcaniget

Next week, Season 5 of NXT reaches week 26,twice as long as every other season. Can we just give Titus and Darren WWE contracts and move on?

While we’re at it, let’s find Percy Watson who should have been on this season instead of Darren Young and sign him and Derrick Bateman too! As a bonus, we have Maxine who would look phenomenal on any WWE or any TV show and Naomi who looks great inside and outside the ring.

Derrick Bateman’s distraction allowed Maxine to defeat A.J. Afterward, Titus O’Neil tried to restore order, threatening Bateman. No, really. That was the main event. Next week is week #26 of NXT Season 5. Is it bad manners to request a wine list a week in advance?”