John Cena Answers Fan Questions About The Rock

WWE Champion John Cena answered some fan questions on Twitter yesterday about his WrestleMania 28 opponent The Rock. Here are some highlights about what Cena said about:

Which Man Is Stronger:

“No shorting the Rock for all of his abilities …but I can say with confidence, I am stronger than him. That does not make me better, just stronger. So don’t go and take that out of context. He is much quicker and probally a better overall athlete, but strength belongs 2 me.”

The Rock Insulting John Cena’s Fans:

“I don’t get that part. He can call me anything and everything he wants…I just don’t get that part.”

Whether He Thinks The Rock Is Gay:

“That is the last one I will answer because of how ridiculous it is. My answer. Why should it matter? No take it as is. Why should a persons sexuality matter? He is a great entertainer. I will admit. I have made some mistakes in the past but I now realize that it shouldn’t matter what race creed color sexual preference age u are. If your good. You’re good. Trying to pick something like that as a persons flaw is about the most ignorant thing that can be done. Don’t be that person. Step your game up. So it IS what it IS. Gay or straight. To quote “Dwayne”, “it doesn’t matter!””


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