Home News John Cena Launches Weight Loss Challenge Program, Barrett Returning & More

John Cena Launches Weight Loss Challenge Program, Barrett Returning & More


– John Cena has launched 10WeekBodyChange.coma website where fans can sign up for a weight loss program with Cena as their personal coach. The actual program goes live on December 1st and advertises that you can eat as much as you want to and do “close to no exercise” and get the body you want in just 10 weeks.

WWE.com has a feature up titled, “Current meets classic: 7 modern takes on legendary Superstars” – including past vs. present dream matches between Bret Hart and Daniel Bryan, CM Punk and Steve Austin and Luke Harper and Bruiser Brody.

– WWE Superstar Wade Barrett noted on Twitter that he is back in the United States after resolving the issues with his work visa that kept him out of the country and off television.

* Backstage News On The SURPRISES Planned For Tonight’s RAW