— A new promotional poster has been released for WrestleMania 27, which you can view here.
— Former WWE superstar Chuck Palumbo, probably best known as one half of the “Billy and Chuck” gay tag team that WWE featured in the early 2000’s, had the following to say about the storyline during an interview this week on the Busted Open satelite radio show:
“You know, honestly, I got to say that was one of my most fun times. You know first of all I got to work with Billy Gunn, who was a veteran and had been around a long time. He [Billy Gunn] was showing me the ropes number one. Number two I was getting some time. I was getting some TV time, so I was digging that you know. I got nothing against gay people, you know, ask Matt, they’re always making great gay jokes and making fun of people behind the scenes. I took it as a joke. I had fun with it. I mean I had a lot of fun with it.
“My only comment on that would be that I just wish, I felt like when it disbanded, it had a lot of miles on it. A lot of times there’s a reason why they disband things. I think at the time Billy Gunn was about done with his contract and you know they decided to let him go, but I think it had a lot more miles left in it. Than again when Vince [McMahon] put that together, he put that together for cable network ratings week you know what I mean, so he had a reason for it. He wanted to get that final rating on that smack down show, so I guess he did what he thought was right you know, but I thought it had more mileage left.”
— Apparently there’s a rumor going around that John Cena is dead. This is absolutely untrue, and Cena tweeted the following about it:
JohnCena CeNation. Apparently last night I was shot dead by a group of thugs. I also was apparently owned by the rock. Both just internet rumor. :) |