John Cena Says He Unsure On How To Handle Ryback, The Boogeyman Joins Twitter, NXT’s Fan Appreciation Night

– Promoting his WWE Championship Match against CM Punk and Ryback this Sunday at Survivor Series, John Cena said on Twitter Thursday that he is unsure how he will handle “Big Hungry.”

“Trying to figure out how in the hell to even approach Ryback this Sunday,” he wrote. “#survivorseries will be quite interesting.”

– Marty Wright, formerly known as The Boogeyman in WWE, is now on Twitter.

– NXT Wrestling has announced a Fan Appreciation Night for its Dec. 14 live event at Brooksville Armory 16386 Spring Hill Dr., Brooksville, Florida, 34604. The event will feature eight matches and free Pictures with Santa Claus and the NXT Divas.

– Nigel McGuinness’ documentary on the end of his wrestling career is almost completed, according to

Posted November 16th, 2012 in News, WWE. Tagged: , , , , .

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