A rather dapper and well-groomed John Cena appeared on SiriusXM today. During the course of a Q&A session with a group of children who were in attendance, Cena confirmed he will be at WrestleMania 35.
The last question in the Q&A posted was whether Cena will be at the event next year in New Jersey’s MetLife Stadium.
“Where is WrestleMania 35?” Cena asked the live audience. “New York. I’m here right now, right? Would you like to ‘see me’ at WrestleMania 35? Then you know what? I was thinking about missing it but because you wanna see me there, I wouldn’t miss it for the world. I promise you I’ll be there, I promise. Okay? We’ll shake on it, we’ll make it official.”
So unless Cena plans on breaking a promise to that child, he’ll be at WrestleMania next year.
John Cena At WrestleMania 35
Cena was asked first what his favorite match was and he talked about facing Brock Lesnar.
“Do you know a WWE Superstar by the name of Brock Lesnar?” Cena asked in return. “Okay, if you know Brock Lesnar, he is big, he is bad, and he is mean. He was easily my toughest match. Now I’ve had some moments where I’ve done okay against him, and I’ve had some moments where I have not done okay against him. And the greatest thing about having a match with Brock Lesnar is you’re always nervous and you’re always afraid because he’s stronger than everybody, but you’re still brave enough to go in there and do it, and win or lose, you try your best.”
Cena also named the Rock as one of his favorite opponents.