John Cena Suggested That MJF Play For A Different Team During Viral Meeting

MJF is one of AEW’s pillars, and Tony Khan certainly doesn’t want to lose him. That being said, there is a whole pro wrestling world who would be very interested to see if the Salt of the Earth could excel in another environment. 

When John Cena and MJF were caught having a little chat at The Iron Claw premiere, fans didn’t know what to think. It turns out that Cena was suggesting to MJF that he join a different team in the future.

Cena Tells All

John Cena and MJF made headlines when they had a chance to meet at The Iron Claw premiere. The two had a bit of a conversation, and everyone was wondering what was said. Now, we have a much better idea.

While speaking to Insight with Chris Van Vliet, Cena revealed that during their encounter, Cena found MJF to be remarkably courteous and professional, contrary to any initial assumptions he might have had. He expressed regret for any misconceptions and commended MJF for his professionalism. Despite the potential for theatrics at the movie premiere, MJF conducted himself admirably.

John Cena went on to say that he had a couple interactions with MJF that night. First off, he apologized to him for not knowing how professional he would be. Then Cena made a comment to MJF about trying to get him to play for a different team down the line.

“Sports entertainment is a finicky business, and again, there’s a lot of chances to make moments. This is one of their top performers for AEW and I don’t know if I’m going to be the target of a moment. I’m just going to support my friend in a movie. He couldn’t have been nicer. He couldn’t have been more cordial. We met each other and I got pulled away to take some pictures and then we were about to go do everything else before I even got to you, and I was like, ‘Hold on. Give me two minutes.’ I shook his hand. I said, ‘Man, I’m so sorry. Excuse my ignorance, I didn’t know what to expect from you today. You are a class act. I can’t believe you’re as professional as you are. That’s just my ignorance. I’m sorry I had that judgment. I want to thank you for being so special. Thanks for making my night.’ Then we got back and I was able to talk to him more and I kind of was like, ‘Maybe we can get you to play for the right team one day’, and all that. There’s no denying the fact that he’s doing good work and I don’t think that I should ignore that. Honestly, I was floored by his professionalism. Where it would have been an easy target at a wrestling movie premiere to have yourself a moment, and we did have a moment, and it was one that the internet paid attention to. It was one where I was hoping that this person that I met, I could once bet on like, ‘Man, oh, we just get you over here. That’d be awesome’ but it was great. It was great to meet a professional, classy, driven young man.”

MJF’s Contract Situation

MJF’s contract situation is a very interesting one. Many believe that he inked a new deal with AEW in 2022 prior to his return from hiatus. Others are not so sure, because he claims that no contract was signed.

I asked people throughout WWE about the possibility of MJF signing. The overall belief is that he is still under a contact with Tony Khan, and that is not going to change any time soon.

We will have to see what the future holds. Right now, MJF is enjoying a break from AEW television, after a long run as World Champion. His body is healing, but you never know what he will decide to do so he can get everyone talking about him again.

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