Home News John Cena Talks Changes Coming Up In WWE, DDP Posts Video Update On Scott Hall

John Cena Talks Changes Coming Up In WWE, DDP Posts Video Update On Scott Hall


-WWE Superstar John Cena recently posted a photo of a “Change Ahead” road sign on his new official Instagram account. The sign likely refers to the changes coming in WWE, now that he will be on the shelf for the remainder of 2013. You can check out Cena’s official Instagram account online at Instagram.com.

-A new video has been added to the official DDPtv YouTube channel. The video, titled “DDPtv: Scott Hall 5 Month Progress Report” looks at the current condition of Hall, who has been cleaning his life up at DDP’s “Accountability Crib.” The video is accompanied by the following description: “Scott Hall reports on his physical progress after just 5 months in DDP’s Accountability Crib.”

Check out the video below:


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