Home News John Cena & WWE Win Awards For Their Use Of Social Media

John Cena & WWE Win Awards For Their Use Of Social Media


Social media news website Mashable.com has announced their “2010 Mashable Awards” winners, which recognizes “the very best of tech and the web.” With over 1.3 million votes cast, both WWE and John Cena were among the award winners, alongside Twitter, Google’s Android mobile operating system and Apple’s iPhone.

Here are the awards given to WWE for its “Stand Up for WWE” campaign and John Cena for his tremendous work helping sick children through the Make-A-Wish Foundation:

Most Creative Social Media Campaign: Stand Up For WWE:

“In an effort to “set the records straight” about inaccurate media portrayals, World Wrestling Entertainment launched the Stand Up For WWE campaign, using social media and video to gather support from its fans. It also posted a list lesser known facts about WWE and inaccuracies and corrections to media portrayals from across the web with facts accompanying the claims. The campaign included videos with its superstars as well as the likes of President Barack Obama.”

Most Influential Social Good Champion: John Cena

ohn Cena is a WWE personality and actor who leverages his social media presence and influence for good. He’s been heavily involved with the Make-A-Wish Foundation since 2004, granting the wishes of children with life-threatening illnesses. He’s earned the foundation’s highest honor, the Chris Greicius Award and was later named Wish Ambassador by the organization. He uses his online presence to encourage his fans to take part in the foundation’s mission to grant wishes, and most recently he is encouraging the donation of Delta frequent flyer miles, which he’s already contributed 3 million matching miles for.

For more on the awards, visit Mashable.com.