Home News JR Blog: Austin Hosting RAW? Lita’s Surprise Return

JR Blog: Austin Hosting RAW? Lita’s Surprise Return


WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross has updated his blog, which you can read in its entirety at JRsBarBQ.com. Here are some highlights of what JR said about:

Steve Austin Not Hosting RAW? “To the best of my knowledge, Steve Austin has not been officially scheduled to appear on an upcoming Raw as has been reported elsewhere. Steve is preparing to film another movie in Vancouver soon that will take him into December. At that time I assume he will head to his Texas ranch for some R&R and to celebrate the holidays. Jan and I hope to visit Steve and his crew at the Broken Skull Ranch in late December or early January. BTW Steve’s latest movie ‘Hunt to Kill’ is out next week on DVD and it’s a cool, kick ass movie that I really enjoyed. I think that you will too especially if you like to see Stone Cold kick the bad guy’s butt. Good storyline/script that makes for some stout action/adventure.”

Lita Appearing On RAW: “Enjoyed seeing Lita make her cameo on Raw Monday night. She was one of the all time great Divas in WWE and I can still vividly remember her job interview in my WWE office many years ago. I assume she will not come back to WWE full time but, as a fan of her work, it would be nice to see her back for a short run. I think that the team of Trish & Lita vs. Lay Cool, for example, would be a really nice attraction type bout at WM27. Just an idea.”