Home News JR Blog: Miz Wins WWE Title, Cena’s RAW Promo, Pun

JR Blog: Miz Wins WWE Title, Cena’s RAW Promo, Pun


WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross has updated his blog, which you can read in its entirety at JRsBarBQ.com. Here are some highlights of what JR said about:

The Miz Winning the WWE Championship: “I’ve been touting Miz for months on this site as a future big time player and one that I felt several months ago would be in the main event mix at Wrestlemania in Atlanta. Looks like that may well happen now. As for Miz being WWE Champion and specifically for all the naysayers, I suggest that you allow this matter to evolve more than just a few hours before damning it. Antagonist champions who are physically beatable on any given night and who have talented albeit annoying verbal skills are a nice persona traits for a successful champion to have.”

John Cena’s RAW Promo: “John Cena arguably delivered his best ever promo Monday night on Raw as it felt naturally organic and truly reality based. The buzz on Cena’s ‘firing’ by Wade Barrett is a hot topic on this site and one that will likely be addressed in more detail next Monday on Raw on yet another three hour special on the USA Network.”

C.M. Punk Joins The RAW Announce Team: “Three man booths take time to develop a synergy and timing amongst the three talkers. Punk is a bright guy who is extremely talented in the ring because he worked so diligently to achieve becoming a main eventer and he should be able to accomplish the same thing at the announce table if he works at announcing the same way he worked at becoming an wrestler. It won’t happen over night but I wish CM Punk all the success in the world and enjoy his quick wit.”