Home News JR Blog: Sin Cara, Michael Cole, Sting-TNA, Cruiserweights

JR Blog: Sin Cara, Michael Cole, Sting-TNA, Cruiserweights


WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross is back with another blog, which you can read in its entirety at JRsBarBQ.com Here are some highlights of what JR wrote about:

Sin Cara Signing With WWE: “The wrestler formerly known as Mistico but now known as Sin Cara was officially welcomed into the WWE family on Thursday in Mexico City with every major Mexico City TV network and print media represented”

“I applaud the way that WWE introduced Sin Cara to the WWE Universe as he will arrive in WWE after a few weeks of advanced TV promotion already meaning ‘something’ and feeling much more significant than other newcomers. For those that aren’t familiar with Sin Cara, formerly known as Mistico, I suggest that you go on You Tube and check out some of his bouts. Very innovative offensive performer along the lines of the great Rey Mysterio”

“Sin Cara has a magnificent opportunity to become a global star in WWE. The final verdict, as always, will be rendered by the paying customers based on how well the gifted athlete delivers inside the squared circle. It will be interesting to see what brand, Raw or Smackdown, gets the opportunity to showcase Sin Cara.”

Michael Cole a Jerk In Real Life: “Emailer…Is Michael Cole’s TV persona more like his real life persona than when he played the straight man/corporate announcer? I’d probably say, yes. Cole’s is not the laid back, easy going guy in real life that he portrayed early in his announcing career. He has taken to being a ‘jerk’ on TV like our sauce to ribs. ”

Cruiserweights: “Twitter @JRsBBQ…one reason, not that I necessarily agree with it, that Cruiserweights aren’t specifically used in their own weight division is that some feel that the mass audience will not accept Cruiserweights or Junior Heavyweights or whatever hip name one wants to come up with as main event level, PPV selling attractions. This isn’t a new philosophy as that same mindset was around when Danny Hodge was the NWA World Junior Heavyweight Champion. The term ‘Junior’ said to some fans and promoters as ‘less than’ the best. Ironically, Hodge could legitimately beat 99.9% of EVERY heavyweight in the business but that had zero to do with the marketing perception and selling tickets.”

Sting Back In TNA: “That Sting vs. Undertaker WM27 match that many just knew was going to happen at WM27 looks a little ‘iffy.’ Seriously, I said many times that I did not think that Sting would likely venture into WWE at this point in his career. All people have ‘comfort zones,’ including yours truly, that we are reluctant to leave. In hindsight, at least in my view, more often than not and especially for veterans the ‘comfort zone’ thing isn’t a negative.”