Home News JR Blog: The Rock’s Post-WM27 Plans, Lawler’s WWE Title Shot

JR Blog: The Rock’s Post-WM27 Plans, Lawler’s WWE Title Shot


WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross has updated his blog, which you can read in its entirety at JRsBarBQ.com. Here are some highlights of what Jim Ross spoke about:

Jerry Lawler’s WWE Title Shot on Sunday: “Jerry is genuinely excited about being in the main event of a WWE PPV which will be this Sunday in Oakland at the Elimination Chamber vs. the Miz for the WWE Title. Personally, I feel that Jerry needs to get away his recent heartaches and get back on the road that he is so comfortable with and, more importantly, get back in the ring which is like a second home for him. King is much more refined and skilled than is the younger, less experienced albeit talented Miz which may bode well for the #1 challenger for the WWE title come Sunday. I would not miss this PPV for the world because I believe that shocks and surprises from WWE will abound over the next few weeks leading into WM27 and no one can argue that Jerry Lawler upsetting Miz to win the WWE title wouldn’t be a HUGE shocker.”

The Rock’s WWE Plans After WM27: “I have no idea what Rock’s plans are as they relate to WWE after WM27. I haven’t given it much thought but many fans are seemingly obsessed in knowing what the Rock’s plans are for the future. I don’t see Rock emotionally ever leaving the WWE Universe but I also don’t see him appearing as a ‘regular’ on WWE programming in the future either which is why this Wrestlemania event is so intriguing and is such a must see pay per view. We are attending the event AND buying and taping the PPV.”

WWE All Stars: “The new, THQ produced WWE All Star Video game is getting more and more play as the anticipation builds to it’s release the Tuesday of WM27 week. There will be a tie in with JR’s Family BBQ on this exciting new game so please watch for details. ”

* New WWE ALL STARS Screenshots: Eddie Guerrero, Jake Roberts, Ultimate Warrior & MORE