Home News JR & Regal At FCW Today, Update On USA’s Rock/Cena Special

JR & Regal At FCW Today, Update On USA’s Rock/Cena Special


– Jim Ross and William Regal will be among the WWE personalities at tonight’s Florida Championship Wrestling show in Orlando, Florida.

Jim Ross teased on Twitter that he could do some announcing at the tapings. William Regal noted that he’s looking forward to seeing Dean Ambrose compete tonight:

“I can’t wait to get to FCW in Tampa tomorrow to see that dear boy,Dean Ambrose.For what I an about to do to you,may my children forgive me.”

— WWE Hall of Famer The Iron Sheik turns 69 years old today.

— The 1-hour Rock vs. John Cena preview show that will air on the USA Network on Monday, March 26th (prior to RAW) will be called, “Rock/Cena – Once In A Lifetime.” The show will replay the day before WrestleMania on Saturday morning, 3/31 at 9am EST.