Home News Justin Credible Opens Up On His Run With WWE

Justin Credible Opens Up On His Run With WWE

Justin Credible Opens Up On His Run With WWE
Justin Credible

Justin Credible was recently a guest on former WWE European Champion Sean “X-Pac” Waltman’s podcast, X-Pac 12360, in which he talks about a variety of professional wrestling topics. Below are the highlights:

Not being able to adapt in WWE:

“In ECW, I felt really comfortable because we were kind of allowed to just do our own thing and the pressure weren’t on. But I never could adapt to WWE and it wasn’t because of WWE. I think I still carried that Aldo Montoya thing, where I was still the young boy and I always felt that. I took it too far where I wanted to show respect and humility. But I took it to a level where it sounded like, I was beating myself up and it didn’t serve me well. And I really lacked confidence. Anytime I went up there really. You know? And that’s a me thing. I caused that. Nobody else did.”

Appearing drunk at a recent indie event and the positives that came out of the incident:

“This all happened so quick. I was actually doing stuff with Dallas (DDP) prior to this. Just not to this level, we were communicating. It’s funny, this came through a third party and somebody reached out to Dallas like, ‘Hey, can you get a hold of PJ?’, and Dallas was like, ‘I’m already talking to him.’ Long story short, a gentleman by the name of Douglas Cartelli who works with pro athletes… he is actually going to sponsor me and send me to Atlanta to Dallas’ after I have thirty days of clean time to go down there and to go through his program.

“Because of that, they’re thinking of pairing with this director locally who does documentaries and other films, to possibly shoot a documentary about this whole journey of recovery and hopefully redemption, really. It’s a real cool opportunity and at the end of the journey, this Douglas wants to open up a facility to train athletes in wellness from all walks of life. So something in Connecticut and kind of wants me to be one the professionals in that facility.”

Getting to meet Chester Bennington before he passed:

“I had the privilege of meeting Chester Bennington from Linkin Park. I got to meet him a couple of times. I met him last year, before he passed away this August. I was actually in treatment in Tampa when I got the news. I can’t say he was a friend and he probably has no clue who I am. But that is not the point, the point is that this guy from the outside looked like he had everything in the world. I communicated through twitter with his wife; he was doing fine days before he killed himself. I think mental health and addiction have a component and work hand in hand and I think mental health has this stigma attached to it.”

You can listen to Credible’s interview on X-Pac 12360 by clicking this link here.