Justin Roberts: Triple H Is Not A Hero, He “Keeps Certain Guys Down”

Justin Roberts

Former WWE announcer Justin Roberts says he told the truth about how he was treated in the company in his new autobiography Best Seat in the House: Your Backstage Pass through My WWE Journey. In a recent interview with Wrestledelphia.com, Roberts was asked about Triple H, JBL, and WWE executive Kevin Dunn coming off in a negative light in the book. Roberts says he only told the truth about his experiences with them, and readers have to come to their own conclusions about those individuals.

“I didn’t really give my opinion on them,” Roberts said of Triple H, JBL and Dunn. “I just told the story of my experiences and how they came into my story and what their involvement was. By telling the story, you as a reader can say that guy seems like a great guy or that guy doesn’t seem like a great guy. I tell my story and the role everybody played and how I was treated by everybody. I didn’t make anything up – that’s the best part of the book. It’s completely honest.”

The former WWE announcer added that if Triple H, JBL and Dunn had treated him better, he would have put that in his story. Roberts feels that aside from those three, everyone else in the book came off in a positive light.

When asked about Triple H specifically, Roberts feels fans who think The Game is a “hero” because of his NXT leadership might be disappointed. He claims to have seen Triple H holding certain talent back from succeeding to protect his own interests, despite no longer being an active wrestler himself.

“It’s hard when you’re on the outside and you read things,” he said. “We all see that Triple H is this hero among the internet. He’s the guy standing up for the wrestling fans, telling Vince to make this better. For us, internally in the company, we thought there’s a great chance he’ll be on our side and look out for us and try to help. Then you see him come in and clip the wings off certain guys and keep certain guys down. You realize he’s just looking out for himself.”

You can read Roberts’ entire interview here.


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