Kaitlyn’s Fiancee Arrested In 2011 For Major Steroid Ring Bust In Connecticut

A little background information on PJ Braun, the pro bodybuilder and supplement entrepreneur who recently got engaged to WWE Diva Kaitlyn, he was arrested on March 28, 2011 in a big steroid and drug bust in Danbury, Connecticut.

Officers found Percoset, Testosterone, Decadurabolin, Halotestin and Proviron, four of which are anabolic steroids, one of which is a widely circulated pain killer, and Braun was nailed with a variety of possession charges as a result.

For the offense, Braun received probation and community service following a stint in a drug rehab program.

  • Photos Of WWE Diva Kaitlyn With Her Fiancee PJ Braun

    [Credit: Wrestling Observer Newsletter]

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