Former WWE Diva Kelly Kelly spoke with Digital Spy this week to promote her show WAGS on the E! Network. Here are the wrestling-related highlights from the interview:
Charlotte Becoming Divas Champion:
“I think Charlotte’s great. I think she’s a wonderful gymnast and had that same athletic background I had with gymnastics, and following in her father’s footsteps is great. I’m so happy and proud of her. I think she really deserves it and she’s been working so hard. I think it’s awesome.”
Which Current Diva She Wants To Wrestle:
“It’s funny, because I feel like all the girls who are there now I’ve worked with. The [Bella] Twins are still there, Natalya’s still there, Alicia Fox is still there, Rosa Mendes is still there, all these girls – there’s not many new ones. Maybe Paige. When I left she came in so I think she’d be someone I’d like to work with for sure.”