Home News Kofi Talks Dream Opponent, Jamaican Gimmick, Orton Feud

Kofi Talks Dream Opponent, Jamaican Gimmick, Orton Feud


In an interview with TheSun.co.uk, WWE Raw star Kofi Kingston was asked in a UK Sun interview says he was one of the last people to find out that he’d be feuding with Randy Orton. “This whole development has been pretty recent, I still don’t know what’s in store, except that there’ll be some high-quality matches. You pick a fight with Randy Orton, you have to step up to the plate. I’m going to step up and try to hit a home run.”

When asked about dropping the Jamaican gimmick, Kingston said WWE legends like Steve Austin, The Rock and Triple H all had gimmicks before they broke out. “I think this is about me making a transition, a progression to the next level.

Kingston also spoke about his dream opponent “There’s a few, but growing up, Shawn Michaels was a big influence on why I watched wrestling and why I got into wrestling … It would bring my career full circle, because he got me into wrestling, and now here I am pursuing my lifelong dream.”