This week on MLW’s Konnan Show presented by Masked Republic’s, Konnan had a lot to say about Rey Mysterio’s recent suspension for violating WWE’s drug testing policy.
“Rey Mysterio, I can guarantee you categorically, he doesn’t do any drugs. He’s a guy that really lives up to his role model image. He’s got two little kids that he really wants to be an example for. He’s even told me, ‘Dude, please do not come to my house high.’ He really wants to be a good role model. He’s not on the juice or anything.”
“What can Rey really be on? It can’t be the juice and he definitely doesn’t do any hard drugs. He was taking a dietary supplement because he has a problem with his love handles. It was something that would burn fat and I think just like anything that’s fat burning it probably had some sort of amphetamine in it. So that’s where we’re at right now. He’s actually still going back and forth with WWE on that.”
“It kind of pisses me off because they know who is on what and they’ve given other guys passes. I won’t get into names or details because Rey will catch heat, but this is my opinion. They know he’s not on anything.”
Konnan also revealed that WWE plans to delay the expiration date of Mysterio’s contract to make up for time lost due to injury. MLW’s Konnan Show with Konnan and Mister Saint Laurent is available for FREE on, iTunes (search: KONNAN SHOW) and syndicated by
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