After apologizing to CM Punk on Tuesday night for threatening CM Punk over the weekend and calling him a b*tch (in response to Punk calling TNA an “indy league”), TNA star Kurt Angle then posted a few more tweets talking trash about Punk and also John Cena.
Kurt Angle Apologizes For Threatening CM Punk
Angle tweeted on Tuesday night that he could “take out” John Cena in 45 seconds and that a match with CM Punk would only last 30 seconds. He later deleted those tweets.
“Who Wants to See Angle vs. Punk?” Angle wrote. “It would Last 30 Secs. Lol. Just Kidding. I’m not Mad anymore. Punk, Ur Safe Now… Put It to Rest. Angle vs. Punk will Happen. Tna or Wwe. I Hope Tna. We’ll See. U tough Punk?
Angle then took one more parting shot at Punk, claiming he makes more money:
“If Tna is an Indy Company, then Why Do I Make More $ than Punk Does in Wwe? I’m just Saying.”
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