Kurt Angle On Wanting To Work With Daniel Bryan, His Retirement Match & More

TNA star Kurt Angle recently took part in a Q&A with fans on his official Facebook page. Below are some of the highlights.

On keeping a straight face when singing to Vince McMahon on TV: “It was difficult. Vince told us not to laugh until he yelled “cut”. We held it in long enough to get each one done. It was all improvisation. So much fun!”

On his father: “My father didn’t influence me into wrestling, my brothers did. They all wrestled so I was kind of forced into it, but my Dad was my #1 fan and supporter. He was at every single event I had until he passed when I was 16. He was always supportive, even when I didn’t do so well.”

On his bench press capabilities: “Most ever was 400. I’m not a strong upper body guy…legs and hips got me my GOLD, but I wasn’t weak either. Lol. I don’t bench press anymore, I do more toning and maintainence.”

On who he would want to retire against: “My retirement match would be Daniel Bryan. He’s so polished in the ring. I just don’t know if it’s possible. But I’d Love it!”

On if he wanted to face Undertaker at WM 22 and break the Streak instead of facing him at No Way Out: “Undertaker at Mania was only a thought that Undertaker came up with. I would have preferred him at Mania. Not to break the streak, but for the respect I have for him. At that point in his career, he didn’t have that “Mania Match” he always wanted. But he did after WM 22. Shawn Michaels, HHH. So I’m happy he got the mania matches he deserved.”

Check out more at Facebook.com/RealKurtAngle.


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