WWE Hall of Famer Kurt Angle has reflected on preparing for his first-ever WWE promo with Vince McMahon’s help. He shared the story during an interview with the BASCHAMANIA podcast. Angle revealed how he had initially been under the impression he would be used solely as a wrestler. He hadn’t anticipated having to speak a lot and the importance of cutting promos himself. Angle shared how he thought he would be assigned a manager to be his mouthpiece.
Angle then recalled the night of his debut. He shared how Vince McMahon had him rehearse a “preconceived promo at my hometown of Pittsburgh.”
According to Angle, Vince McMahon instructed him on what to say but didn’t write anything down.
When his debut match against finally rolled around, Angle confessed he arrived at the arena and had forgotten his lines. He revealed how “Vince was pissed at me and said, ‘Ok, here are the lines again but you better not forget again.'”
Having defeated Shawn Stasiak, Angle then delivered the promo. He declared himself a role model and introduced the WWE Universe to the Three I’s: Intensity, Integrity and Intelligence. He divulged how during his first promo, he only delivered “about 70 percent” of his lines.
Despite only remembering 70 percent, his delivery impressed Vince McMahon. Vince believed that Angle’s ability to cut a promo and improvise if need be was something to “build off.”
Kurt Angle On WWE’s Current Promo Training Methods
Kurt Angle juxtaposed how he learned to deliver promos with WWE’s current training methods. He shared how in the past “everything was spontaneous.”
Angle explained how Superstars would travel from arena to arena, taking bumps and learning on the job. He stressed they never had time to work on promos. Angle argued how today, NXT Superstars get to “work extensively on their promos, matches, and pre-takes,” which he believes creates “very polished” Superstars.