Home News “Latest Are You Serious?” With Lilian Blunder, Doink Remembered

“Latest Are You Serious?” With Lilian Blunder, Doink Remembered


— The latest episode of WWE’s “Are You Serious?” webisode features clips of the “Donald Trump” vs. “Rosie O’Donnell” match on Raw, Josh Mathews attempting to dance, Road Dogg singing and Lilian Garcia’s shoe malfunctioning in the “Fail of the Week.”

[vsw id=”xnbzQz6TzuA” source=”youtube” width=”590″ height=”330″ autoplay=”no”]

— WWE.com has added Doink the Clown to their Alumni section.

— Zack Ryder was able to get “#Sorry4RyderRocking” trending on Twitter during a Q&A session Saturday night.