In a surprising move, WWE announced the release of Zelina Vega on Friday evening. has a report as to why she has been released from her contract. It was noted that this move was the fallout from the recent edict from Vince McMahon which prevents talents from continuing activity on third-party platforms such as Twitch and Cameo.
WWE is looking to spearheading those relationships and use talents under the umbrella of the company on these platforms as a part of their contractual duties.
Vega was told about the departure this afternoon and will be on the sidelines for a few months as she’s under the traditional 90-day non-compete clause. This will prevent her from working for any promotion with TV distribution through mid-February 2021.
It was said that her departure was not a result of her tweet in support of unionization. Instead, the word going around WWE is the departure was made before the twee was sent out.
The report states Vega had been extremely vocal about maintaining her Twitch account after the edict was issued last month.
Some people in WWE are speculating if Vega was released to “send a message” to others in the company in order for them to follow the third-party platform edict.