Lawsuit Against WWE Dismissed

WWE Headquarters

A lawsuit against Vince McMahon and WWE on behalf of the Oklahoma Firefighters Pension Fund has been voluntarily dismissed. There is nothing to say about what led to the plaintiff’s dismissal which was filed on March 10th, 2020, however.

“Plaintiff Oklahoma Firefighters Pension and Retirement System hereby files this Notice of Voluntary Dismissal, dismissing the above-captioned case with prejudice, each side to bear its own costs and expenses,” the dismissal notice reads.

Wrestlenomics Tweeted about the situation:

Lawsuit Against WWE Voluntarily Dismissed

The lawsuit originally sought to obtain documents relating to WWE’s ties to the XFL. The suit also alleged that members of WWE’s board failed to conduct a reasonable investigation to ensure Vince McMahon had not engaged in financial transactions that conflicted with WWE’s interests.

WWE is still dealing with a lawsuit from shareholders regarding the company’s deal with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, however.

“This is a securities fraud class action on behalf of all purchasers of WWE Class A common stock between February 7, 2019 and February 5, 2020,” read documents relating to the case. “These claims are asserted against WWE and certain of its senior executives who made materially false and misleading statements regarding the Company during the Class Period.”