Levi Cooper on Why Heavy Machinery Never Won WWE Tag Team Titles

Levi Cooper and Heavy Machinery

Levi Cooper – formerly known as Tucker in WWE – recently joined Joey Karni for a chat on The Angle Podcast. During the chat, he naturally spoke about his time as part of Heavy Machinery. Despite being loved by the fans during their run, the team never won a single championship in WWE.

Levi Cooper was happy to share his thoughts on why this was, and why he isn’t bothered by that fact.

“At the risk of sounding arrogant, I think maybe a part of the reason we didn’t get those [Tag Team Titles] is because we were able to get over on our own. We’re this big babyface team, you listen to the crowd when we come out. They love us they’re all about us, you don’t need to put the straps on us for them to be like ‘hey we like these guys and we’re all about them, we’re already all about them.” Levi Cooper explained.

Levi Cooper Feels Titles Are Secondary When It Comes to Success

As he spoke, Levi Cooper expanded on his theory regarding Heavy Machinery. Explaining how he viewed the use of tag team titles in wrestling. Viewing them as props that are used to get certain teams to where they need to be, rather than a reflection of one team necessarily being better than the rest.

“Championships are… for a lack of a better term television props. It’s the prize that’s fought over when there’s a protagonist and an antagonist, they have to both want the same thing for that conflict to work. In a wrestling setting, that’s what the championship exists for. Obviously, the main championship, the top prize that comes with a level of stature. There’s a realness about being that guy… The tag championships for me, it doesn’t mean that we’re any better or worse than any other tag team, it’s just a part of our television atmosphere and what we do. And of course, we’re gonna try and get those, but when we were having conversations together me and Otis, it was about how do we think the audience is gonna react to us, versus what do we need to do to get those tag team championships.” Levi Cooper said.

Championships are used to proclaim a person or team as being the best. However, there is a reality to Levi Cooper’s words. They don’t sound bitter, or resentful, but rather down to earth and straightforward. Every wrestler wants to win titles. However, real success and true character is not driven by gold, but by a connection with the fan base.