Rasmussen Reports has released the results of a new telephone survey of Likely Voters in the state of Connecticut that finds Democrat Richard Blumenthal holds a slim five-point lead over former WWE CEO and Republican nominee Linda McMahon. The break down of the survey was as follows:
* 50% of Likely Voters support Blumenthal
* 45% of Likely Voters support McMahon
* 1% of Likely Voters support some other candidate
* 3% of Likely Voters are undecided
This is the closest the race has been since May when the New York Times detailed in an article how Blumenthal has been embellishing his military record in public statements over the years.
Meanwhile, political blog Politico.com has an article up that looks at the WWE SmackDown taping that takes place on Election Day (11/2) from McMahon’s home state of Connecticut. With the SmackDown taping beginning at 6:30pm and voting for the Senate race not ending until 8pm that evening, it’s possible that Linda could actually lose votes from the fans attending SmackDown that night. Politico asks, “Will advertising for the event help or hurt McMahon – a positive or negative reminder of her time as WWE’s CEO? Could traffic around the 10,000-seat Arena at Harbor Yard impede voting?”
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