Linda McMahon Speaks On Hogan-WWE, Says Donald Trump’s Persona Resonates With WWE Fans
Linda McMahon, who worked in high-ranking positions in WWE from 1980 to 2009, says she could “never say never” regarding Hulk Hogan returning to the company. In an interview with Katie Couric for Yahoo News, McMahon also revealed that she did follow the Hulk Hogan vs. Gawker trial and was on Hogan’s side.
“I followed it some because he’s been a part of WWE for quite some time. I don’t think anyone had the right to take that private tape and put it out. I thought Gawker was wrong in doing that. He said some deplorable things, and it cost him his job in WWE,” said McMahon.
McMahon, who left WWE in 2009 to pursue a career in politics, was also asked about Donald Trump’s presidential campaign. Donald Trump has made several appearances for WWE over the years and is in their Hall of Fame. She stopped short of endorsing Trump, but spoke highly of him and claimed that his persona resonates with WWE fans.
“The persona of Donald Trump has resonated with [WWE fans.] Maybe their business isn’t growing, maybe they have kids who are graduating who can’t get jobs. All of those things that you hear I think resonate not only with some WWE fans, but across really the specter,” Linda said.
“He was a great partner, a wonderful promoter,” she said of her time working with Trump in WWE. “He really greased the wheels. We got to know him personally. He’s very loyal, he’s a patriot, he hires smart people around him. He did exactly what he said he would do.”
You can watch Linda’s entire interview on