Legendary WWE Diva Amy “Lita” Dumas will be inducted into the WWE Hal of Fame on April 5th by none other than Trish Stratus. Lita tweeted on Tuesday:
It's official! It's going to be a #topbitches night at #HOF2014 with 50% of #TeamBestie inducting me, @AmyDumas it's @trishstratuscom @WWE
— Amy Dumas (@AmyDumas) March 25, 2014
Trish responded:
SO honored! #iwillbringthecupcakes RT @AmyDumas It's going to be a #topbitches night at #HOF2014 w/ 50% of #TeamBestie inducting me @WWE
— Trish Stratus (@trishstratuscom) March 25, 2014