Live Report From NXT’s Final Show At The Former FCW Arena In Tampa

WWE NXT held their final show at the former FCW Arena in Tampa, Florida last night. Here are some live notes from the show:

– It was a packed house and one of the biggest crowds they’ve drawn in Tampa in a long time..

– There was an autograph signing with most of the main roster around the ring prior to the show.

– Norman Smiley kicked off the show and talked about his history in Tampa, starting with FCW and helping to train the future stars of RAW and SmackDown.

– Solomon Crowe (with his new hacker gimmick) is now making the lights go out during his matches. Kalisto was about to defeat him, but the lights went out and when they went back on, Crowe was pinning Kalisto for the win.

– Santa Claus and several Divas handed out gifts. Aiden English cut a heel promo on Santa but Nick Dinsmore (“Eugene”) came to Santa’s aid.

– Emma and Bailey defeated Sasha Banks and the returning Raquel Diaz after Diaz turned her back on Banks. After the match, Diaz she smeared lipstick all over Banks’ face.

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– NXT Champion Bo Dallas defeated Billy Gunn in a No DQ match for the main event. There were a lot of weapons and interference during the match.

– After the main event, Billy Gunn cut a promo and thanked everyone for their support of WWE developmental. He brought out trainers Norman Smiley, Steve Keirn and Terry Keirn, thanking them for everything they have done. Steve Keirn was presented with a plaque. Th

The NXT roster came back out and surrounded the ring as Keirn spoke. He said Vince McMahon told him when FCW started that they wanted two people each year to be on the main roster but in six and a half years, over 100 people have came from FCW to make it to the main roster. He thanked everybody and the show ended.

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