WWE SmackDown Results & Discussion (8/9)

This week’s live episode of SmackDown took place at the Rabobank Arena in Bakersfield, CA.

– SmackDown opens up with Randy Orton and Alberto Del Rio talking trash to each other backstage.

– Bray Wyatt comes out to the ring with Rowan and cuts a promo on Dolph Ziggler. Wyatt says it’s him against the world, and is then interrupted by Dean Ambrose. Ambrose makes fun of Wyatt and his “swamp goon” Rowan. Dolph Ziggler comes out and hits the ring and goes right after Rowan and Wyatt. Ambrose comes in to help, but Wyatt and Rowan get the upper hand. Ziggler tries to superkick Wyatt, but Wyatt pulls Ambrose in front of him and Ambrose takes the superkick. Wyatt hits the Sister Abigail on Ziggler and leaves the ring.

– Ambrose confronts Ziggler in the back and says he owes him one. Daniel Bryan and Shane McMahon step between them and say tonight they have to team together against Rowan and Wyatt.

American Alpha def. Mikey O’Shea & Mike Vega: The Ascension, The Vaudevillains, and The Hype Brothers come out to ringside to watch. American Alpha dishes out a series of suplexes before getting the pinfall victory in a short squash match. The teams at ringside all hit the ring after the match and start brawling with each other. American Alpha are the last men standing in the ring.

Becky Lynch vs. Eva Marie – No contest: Before the bell rings, Eva Marie’s top starts to malfunction and the referee covers her in a towel. She runs to the back and the referee declares the match will not take place. Becky issues an open challenge to the roster, and Alexa Bliss accepts.

Alexa Bliss def. Becky Lynch: Alexa controls the opening moments of the match. Becky mounts a comeback and hits the Becksploder, but Eva’s music hits and distracts her. Alexa attacks Becky from behind and hits the Twisted Bliss off the top rope for the pinfall victory.

Randy Orton def. Alberto Del Rio via DQ: They go back and forth in the opening moments until Orton takes control and starts working on Del Rio on the ground. Orton hits a series of knee drops, but Del Rio comes back with a Backstabber. Del Rio takes Orton to the outside and starts working Orton’s bad shoulder. Del Rio hits a punch off the top rope back in the ring, and Orton comes back with a poke to the eye and a dropkick. Del Rio gets Orton in a cross armbreaker hanging over the rope, but Orton gets out. Del Rio goes up top again but gets crotched on the turnbuckle, and Orton superplexes him off. Orton hits a spinning powerslam then follows up with a DDT off the middle rope. They brawl around ringside and Del Rio ends up getting himself disqualified by beating Orton with a steel chair. Del Rio throws Orton back in the ring and follows him in, but Orton catches him with an RKO.

– Heath Slater approaches Rhyno in the back and asks him to let him win so he can get a job. Rhyno declines.

– The Miz cuts a promo on a guy in a Scooby Doo costume in the parking lot. The Miz says he should be on the cover of WWE’s new Scooby Doo DVD. Scooby Doo locks The Miz in his van and takes The Miz’s car.

Rhyno def. Heath Slater: After some back and forth action, Slater takes control and keeps Rhyno grounded. Rhyno comes back with a belly to belly suplex. He goes for the Gore but Slater sidesteps it and rolls him up, but the ref stops the count when Slater puts his feet on the ropes. Slater argues with the ref then Rhino hits the gore for the win.

– Bray Wyatt and Rowan cut a promo in the back about their cause being worth dying for.

– Heath Slater yells at Shane McMahon and Daniel Bryan in the back, saying SmackDown doesn’t deserve him. Slater storms off, and Bryan says “I guess we’re not going to give him this contract then.”

Carmella def. Natalya: Carmella comes out to cut a promo and gets jumped by Natalya. Carmella fights back and takes her in the ring and the ref calls for the bell. Natalya hits a series of suplexes to take control of the match. Natalya gets a near-fall after a discus clothesline. Carmella gets out of the Sharpshooter and gets Natalya in a choke for the win.

Dolph Ziggler & Dean Ambrose def. Bray Wyatt & Rowan: Ambrose starts off in control against Bray, then Ziggler gets the tag and hits a dropkick. Rowan clotheslines Ziggler from the apron behind the ref’s back. Bray hits a powerslam but misses the Senton bomb and tags in Ambrose. Ambrose goes to work on Wyatt and knocks Rowan to the outside. Ambrose hits a suicide plancha on Rowan, and back in the ring Wyatt takes him down with a clothesline. Wyatt tags in Rowan who gets in some offense on Ambrose. Bray gets the tag and Rock Bottoms Ambrose on the apron. Ambrose hits a neckbreaker, and Ziggler and Rowan get the tags. Ziggler hits a splash in the corner and an elbow drop for 2. He hits a tornado DDT on Rowan for another 2. Rowan hits a big boot for a near-fall of his own. Ziggler comes back with the Zig Zag on Rowan, but Bray breaks up the pin. Ambrose throws Bray to the outside and hits a suicide dive on him. Back in the ring, Ziggler superkicks Rowan for the win.

– After the match, Ambrose hits the Dirty Deeds on Ziggler and stands tall with his World Heavyweight Title Belt as SmackDown ges off the air.

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