Home News *Spoilers* WWE SmackDown Taping Results For 5/17

*Spoilers* WWE SmackDown Taping Results For 5/17


WWE SmackDown opened with Miz TV. The Miz’s guests were Big Show and Randy Orton. Miz talked up Randy Orton and Big Show’s upcoming match at Extreme Rules. Show trash-talked Orton. Orton talked about his decision to trust Big Show backfiring. He said this Sunday he will right that wrong.

Jack Swagger and Zeb Coulter interupt and come out. They talk about how this Sunday they will make Alberto Del Rio say “I Quit” or as they would say in his language, “No Mas.”

Alberto Del Rio came out and said the only thing people will remember this Sunday is that Del Rio became the number one contender. He called Coulter “Jumanaji Man.”

Mark Henry came out and talked about setting a world record for pulling semis. He said this Sunday people will remember him for beating Sheamus because he’s the strongest man in the world.

Sheamus then came out and promised to leave Henry battered and bruised with welts this Sunday. Sheamus then said why wait until this Sunday and took a strap and chased the heels away.

1. Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns defeated The Uso’s. The Shield won after a Reigns spear. They were setting up one of the Usos for the triple power bomb when Kofi Kingston made the save. He hit the Shield with a chair and the Shield ran off.

Kofi and the Usos gave a promo, I think for the WWE App, about overcoming the Shield.

Back from break, Teddy Long entered. He said after the last segment he was ready for Extreme Rules. He set up tonight’s six-man main event: Henry, Show and Swagger vs. Orton, Sheamus and Del Rio.

2. Brodus Clay and Sweet T (w/Cameron, Naomi) beat The Prime Time Players. Titus O’Neil cut an entertaining promo. He mispronounced Wichita and said real Prime Time Players went to Kansas University. The PTPers were in control early and Titus did his patented seal chant. Darren Young missed a running attempt in the corner and Tensai tagged in Brodus. Titus broke up a pin attempt, then Young got sandwiched by the big boys. Brodus hit a splash for the win.

3. Chris Jericho defeated Antonio Cesaro in 12:00. Fans chanted boring as Cesaro started in control at a slow pace. Jericho got them further on his side with a dropkick that forced Cesaro to regroup at ringside. Cesaro hit an upper-cut and some chops but got another drop kick from Jericho from the middle rope. Jericho reversed a suplex then hit the signature dropkick from the middle rope to the excitement of fans. Jericho missed a corner splash and vaulted out of the ring. Fans cheered him on as he recovered but Cesaro went back on the attack, throwing Jericho into the barricade.

Back in the ring, he got a two-count on the dazed Jericho. Jericho went for the walls of jericho but Cesaro struggled away. Cesaro lifted his knees on Jericho’s moonsault attempt to regain momentum. The back-and-forth continued as Jericho got a near-fall. Jericho managed to barely kick out of a backbreaker. Jericho fought back from a sleeper and rolled up Cesaro for a two count. Cesaro earned his own 2-count immediately after and put the headlock back on. A weakened Jericho struggled to fight back and was taken down again. Jericho tried to break the headlock by backing Cesaro into the ropes but was unsuccessful. He finally broke free and scored an axe-handle from the top rope.

Fandango’s gold stage setup fell in front of the Titan Tron but Jericho was oblivious. He attempted a top-rope move but was hit by the upper-cut for another near fall. Jericho put on the Walls of Jericho and Cesaro tapped out.

Summer Rae entered with Fandango seemingly closely behind. Jericho watched the stage but was attacked from behind. He quickly got the best of Fandango, who ran off, then Jericho hit Cesaro with a Codebreaker…

Zeb Colter and Jack Swagger were on the Tron for a prerecorded promo. Colter ranted against the government from a conservative standpoint, touching on shady IRS activities and the Benghazi situation. Colter blasted Del Rio and said he wasn’t one of us. Colter questioned whether Ziggler was really injured or just afraid. He said he and Swagger were vilified for speaking the truth. He said real Americans never quit, but Del Rio would. He said Del Rio would quit, take his sombrero, and run back home. Swagger finished it off with “we the people”…

Sandow gave a promo from the stage about Miz and how his winning would come to a screeching halt and that Rhodes would embarrass him on Sunday…

4. The Miz defeated Damien Sandow. Miz made his entrance to a healthy applause. Cody Rhodes was on commentary. Sandow cowered at an attempted punch and rolled out of the ring, but Miz followed and nailed him. Back in the ring, Sandow gained the upper hand. Rhodes took the live mic and said fans should stand up and show respect for Sandow. Miz came back and grabbed the win.

5. WWE Divas Champion Kaitlyn defeated Aksana. Aksana entered to cat calls from the crowd. Where were those for Cameron? Kaitlyn received a strong babyface reaction from fans who aren’t shallow enough to root for the hotter diva just because she’s hotter. Well done, Wichita. Aksana got in a couple moves, including a slingshot against the ropes. She taunted Kaitlyn and earned boos. Aksana was dominating for a while. A ridiculous “we want puppies” chant broke out. Aksana still dominating…waiting for this to turn around…still waiting…botched move…still waiting…redid the botch…Kaitlyn hits the spear for the win. Longer than normal Divas match, about 5-6 minutes.

6. Randy Orton, Sheamus, and Alberto Del Rio beat Mark Henry, Big Show, and Jack Swagger (w/Zeb Colter) in a six-man tag. Lilian introduced Ricardo Rodriguez in Spanish, and Rodriguez introduced Del Rio in English. Ricardo was with bucket. Sheamus followed, then Orton before the heel team came out individually. Swagger and Del Rio started the match. Del Rio started hot, got Swagger to the corner and tagged in Orton. Swagger clipped Orton’s knee but Orton managed to tag Del Rio back in. Del Rio hit a shoulder-dive on Swagger outside the ring. Swagger tagged in Show, who started to beat up Del Rio.

Show hit Del Rio with a big chop and tagged in Swagger. Then Henry came in for the first time and continued the attack on Del Rio. Quick tags for the heel team until Del Rio incapacitated Swagger. Swagger was first to make the tag and Show came in with a splash on Del Rio.

Del Rio once again prevented from making the tag and was dragged back to the corner. More quick tags. Show with another chop behind the referee’s back. Del Rio took a beating from all three heels. Swagger locked in a submission move but Del Rio fought it off and moved out of the way of a charging Swagger in the corner. Del Rio still didn’t make the tag. Finally, a reverse on Big Show and Del Rio tagged in Sheamus.

Sheamus got Show up for the Irish Curse and delivered it. He set up for the Brogue kick but was distracted by Henry, and Show took over again. Sheamus was isolated in the corner as the heels went to work. Sheamus hit Swagger with a rolling slam but Henry got to Sheamus before Sheamus could get to Orton for the tag. The Sheamus hope spots kept getting squashed by the heels. He took heavy chops from Show.

Swagger continued the beating on Sheamus. The crowd was strongly behind the babyface. Sheamus hit an electric chair and made the tag to Orton. Randy performed several clotheslines to Swagger, but Henry took him down. Del Rio hit a dropkick on Henry. Swagger locked in the Patriot Lock, but Orton hit the RKO on Swagger for the win. The babyfaces celebrated. In the melee, Sheamus also hit Big Show with a Brogue Kick to close out the taping for Smackdown.

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