Home News WWE Luke Gallows On RAW 25’s Passing Of The Torch Moment Between DX & The Club

Luke Gallows On RAW 25’s Passing Of The Torch Moment Between DX & The Club

Luke Gallows On RAW 25’s Passing Of The Torch Moment Between DX & The Club
Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson

WWE Superstar Luke Gallows recently took part in an international media call and talked about several professional wrestling topics. Gallows was asked about the segment between The Club (himself, Karl Anderson, and Finn Balor) and DX during RAW 25. Gallows was asked whether or not it was a passing of the torch kind of moment:

“It was a surreal moment for Karl [Anderson] and I. This is why we got into the business. This is why we do what we do. We grew up watching these guys and to share the ring with them, and for them to ‘pass the torch’ or whatever you want to call it. It was very symbolic for us. I have the picture up at home with all of us throwing up the ‘Too Sweet’ sign. I was very proud of that moment.”

Gallows was also asked to answer a rather difficult question – if he prefers having The Club with AJ Styles or Finn Balor:

“I think we are both unique, and both talented, but what I would rather have is a four-man faction with AJ Styles, Karl Anderson, Finn Balor and myself. Add Tama Tonga and Bad Luck Fale while we are at it and let’s just take over the entire WWE once and for all.”

He then discussed what it’s like being back with WWE after working in Japan for the past few years:

“When Karl [Anderson] and I jumped the rail and made our debut on RAW in Los Angeles, California, we had some trepidation because we are very highly confident guys and we know that we are highly capable, but we didn’t know whether or not the WWE Universe knew who we were. So, when we jumped the rail and we heard that reaction and felt as though they were happy to see us, it felt like it was icing on the cake for what has been an incredible WWE run with more to come.”

H/T SoloWrestling.com for the transcriptions