Major Departure From WWE’s Production Team

The departed official was considered a big part of Triple H's team

A number of WWE superstars have been released by the company recently and now another major behind the scene departure has been confirmed, though this time the official has chosen to leave himself.

According to PWinsider, WWE’s Vice President of Global Television Production Michael Mansury has officially parted ways with the company last week.

The now former WWE employee had given his notice several months ago that he would be leaving in May. He was apparently a big part of Triple H’s team and even dubbed as the successor for Kevin Dunn:

“Mansury was seen as a big part of the Triple H regime and some in the company had dubbed him unofficially as the ‘next Kevin Dunn’ – with the idea being that he would one day fill Dunn’s role down the line.”

The former WWE official had joined the company in 2009 as a Production Assistant. He rose through the ranks over the years and became an Associate Producer, Producer and then Managing Producer before being elevated to his final position in March 2016.

Michael Mansury had been the director of record for many WWE PPVs and TV productions in recent years. He was well-liked backstage and many were “shocked” by his departure from the promotion.

There is no word yet on the reason for his decision to leave the company. We will keep you posted on any updates on the same.

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