Home News Maria Kenellis Talks About Being WWE’s First Scholarship Recipient

Maria Kenellis Talks About Being WWE’s First Scholarship Recipient


WWE.com has published a “Where Are They Now?” interview with former Diva/current ROH manager Maria Kanellis, the first recipient of  the company’s Talent Scholarship program.

The scholarship is allowing Maria to complete her college degree, who says she’s she’s already looking ahead to life after wrestling.

“I’m going into event management, so it’s something I’m passionate about. I’ve been learning the ropes of what I’m going to be doing for the rest of my life,” Maria said.

Maria said she used her event management skills to plan her recent wedding to ROH wrestler Mike Bennett, who WWE acknowledged as an “independent wrestler.”

PHOTO: Former WWE Divas Reunited (Maria, Kelly Kelly, Candice Michelle & Mickie James)