Home News Mark Henry Face Turn, WWE’s Banned Phrases, Big Show

Mark Henry Face Turn, WWE’s Banned Phrases, Big Show


– WWE officials have been discussing turning World Heavyweight Champion Mark Henry babyface again. Henry is in the midst of the biggest push of his career and he’s gotten over huge as an unstoppable heel, but sources expect the face turn to happen sooner than later.

– During an interview with TheState.com, the Big Show spoke about not loving his ring name when it was first pitched to him by Vince McMahon back in 1999. Regarding the “Big Show” name, he said:

“It’s like any nickname you are given as a kid. You don’t really like it at first but the longer it goes on the more you become accustomed to it. I can’t even think of being called anything else now. I am The Big Show.”

– WWE has recently relaxed on their policy about “banned” terms such as “wrestler” and “wrestling.”

(Sources: f4wonline.com, pwinsider.com)