Home News Mark Henry Update, Jim Ross On SmackDown Going Live, Fozzy’s New Album

Mark Henry Update, Jim Ross On SmackDown Going Live, Fozzy’s New Album


– Chris Jericho revealed on Instagram that his band Fozzy will begin recording their next album this Thursday and said the band will be back on touring very soon.

“Trust me when I tell you the songs we’ve written for this album are like nothing we’ve ever done before …and are going to BLOW YOU AWAY!! So excited!! Stay tuned for more info about the album and upcoming live dates…. #2014 #theyearofthefozz #lightsgoout #doyouwannastartawar #fozzy”

– WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross answered a “Q&A” question on his website about the possibility of SmackDown going live:

“I don’t know. It could happen very easily of the network on which it aired wanted to move it to Tuesday. For it to be live on Friday night it would be challenging at best but I assume doable if necessary.””

– Mark Henry tweeted the following while watching Monday night’s RAW from home. WWE kept Henry off TV to sell the attack from Brock Lesnar. He wrote: