Home News Mark Madden Says WWE Doesn’t Believe In Daniel Bryan, Won’t Pay Lesnar More

Mark Madden Says WWE Doesn’t Believe In Daniel Bryan, Won’t Pay Lesnar More


Former WCW announcer Mark Madden was interviewed by Jim Ross on this week’s Ross Report podcast over at PodcastOne.com.

Madden says WWE World Heavyweight Champion Brock Lesnar has been willing to work more dates for WWE, but the company hasn’t been willing to pay him beyond his ‘limited appearance’ deal. He said:

“One thing I would do if I were WWE is…I don’t know what it would take to keep Brock but i’d pay him. I know for a fact that Brock would be working more now if they just pay him his ‘per date.’ They’ve been hesitant to do that. He’s told them that he would be available for more work if they just paid him the same per date. They need to do that because I think what the Royal Rumble showed is he is by far their most over performer….maybe right there with Daniel Bryan.”

Madden also stated what we’ve seen pretty clearly over the past 18 months – that WWE management truly does not believe Daniel Bryan can be the face of the company.

“I look at Daniel Bryan and I look at the way he was treated at the Rumble (on Sunday) and really barely being in there, and no matter how many times the fans cheer him and chant ‘YES’…they (WWE) don’t believe in him. That’s obvious and i’ve heard that from the inside as well. WWE management doesn’t believe in him and they’ve convinced themselves that Bryan isn’t what’s over..that the ‘YES’ chant is what’s over and that’s obviously insane.”

Other topics discussed include Sunday’s Royal Rumble, Roman Reigns, TNA , New Japan, ROH, Lucha Underground, CM Punk in UFC, Super Bowl predictions, and much more. You can listen below: