Home News Matches Taped For WWE Superstars, Clay Works Dark Match

Matches Taped For WWE Superstars, Clay Works Dark Match


— Matches taped tonight at the Chesapeake Energy Arena in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma for this week’s episode of WWE Superstars are as follows:

* Jack Swagger vs. Santino Marella

* WWE Tag Team Champions Epico and Primo vs. JTG and Michael McGillicutty

— Brodus Clay squashed WWE developmental wrestler Damien Sandow in a dark match at tonight’s Raw SuperShow taping in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Sandow was accompanied by Abraham Washington, who introduced him to the audience prior to the bout.

— A photo of Sheamus performing the High Cross on Chris Jericho at last week’s Royal Rumble is featured on the cover of the latest issue of Super Luchas.