Matt Hardy has released the latest “Free the Delete” video on his official YouTube channel. At the beginning of the video, Hardy is seen being buried by Senor Benjamin only for his “Broken” persona to rise from the shallow grave.
After Hardy emerged though, it appeared his crawling out of a grave had been a dream. Hardy is then spoken to by an unseen voice:
“You have been led astray from your destined path my child, find it and seize it, free the delete,” the voice says to Hardy. “Broken” Matt Hardy then appears to him in the mirror and continues to berate him for straying from his broken path.
Hardy would later ask Vanguard-1 to transport him back to 2016 when the “Broken” character was the hottest thing in wrestling. Eventually, Hardy is told by the voice to visit the Lake of Reincarnation.
The latest Free the Delete video can be viewed in the player below:
“Broken” Matt Hardy Returning?
Hardy was a guest on the Cheap Heat podcast earlier this year and mentioned he would like to finish his career in WWE as his broken persona.
“One thing I would like to do, I would like to finish up my run in WWE as ‘Broken’ Matt Hardy,” Hardy said during the podcast. “I think there is a lot of money in ‘Broken’ Matt Hardy, I think it’s different.”