TNA star Matt Hardy is one of the many people speaking out about the quality of recent WWE programming. Hardy posted the following on Twitter in reaction to last night’s RAW, accusing the company of insulting its viewers by “force-feeding” them absurd crap:
“I love #WWE & respect the company. WWE gave me SO much-But it drives me crazy when they insult viewers by force-feeding them absurd stories. If pro wrestling wants to be taken seriously, it has 2 be presented as fun, yet logical, to the viewer. That goes 4 EVERY wrestling company. TV’s advanced so much in terms of sophisticated storytelling. Wrestling hasn’t &viewers see thru it. I LOVE pro wrestling. In 2014, w/ shows like Breaking Bad, Walking Dead, True Detective etc, wrestling storytelling on TV has gotta step up. i.e. Walking Dead is outrageous fiction, but consistent & has continuity within its parameters. Viewers lose themselves in the WD universe. WD stays in the parameters of it’s created universe, suspending a viewer’s disbelief. Wrestling should strive 2.”