— On Twitter, Melina noted watching the season finale of Lost with John Morrison. When asked if they are dating, she admitted yes.
She responded “Jomo or Duct Tape? Hee hee. John Definitely is.” to the following queries: “@marywwefan “are you two dating?” @ApexPredatorKM “so he’s your constant? Desmond and Penny with pyro?”
— As seen this past Monday night on Raw, Batista announced he was quitting WWE after refusing to take part in Fatal 4-Way qualifying match against Randy Orton. His profile has since been removed from the Raw roster page and placed in the WWE Alumni section. WWE has yet to make an official announcement concerning his apparent departure from the company.
— In other roster moves, WWE has added Bret Hart to its Raw roster page. Also, Carlito was removed from the page Wednesday, days after his release from the organization.